
The Tenàgàdino Alliance is part of the Rights of Nature movement, a global effort to recognize ecosystems and natural entities, such as rivers, forests, and mountains, as having legal rights. Here are some helpful resources related to the movement, rivers, legal cases and more:

The International Observatory for the Rights of Nature

Rights of Nature Tribunal (website)

Rights of Nature: Homelands Toolkit (Ecotrust) (toolkit)

Bioneers Guide to Rights of Nature in Indian Country (guide)

Center for Earth Jurisprudence (resources and updates on legal frameworks supporting the Rights of Nature (website)

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (info. on initiatives and legal cases worldwide) (website)

Talking Rivers unites natural and human communities to keep Rivers healthy and flowing, and the watersheds they sustain flourishing. (website)

Weaving Rivers and their Guardians: Tapestry of solidarity that brings together the voice of water guardians from around the world (website)

"The Rights of Nature: A Legal Revolution That Could Save the World" by David R. Boyd (book)

"Earth Law: The Case for a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Nature" by Cormac Cullinan (book)

I am the Magpie River (video)

Have a resource you’d like to share? Contact the Tenagadino Alliance by email at